You may have only considered purchasing an air purifier if you need to do so for health reasons. Maybe you are asthmatic or have allergies to pets, dust or mold?
Maybe you have considered the purchase of an air purifier in order to rid your home of nasty smells like second hand smoke or left over cooking smells?
However, more and more people are buying best air purifiers simply to be healthier. The benefits of exercising regularly are there for all to see, as are the benefits of having a healthy diet. It seems obvious that making a change to the cleanliness of the air we breathe will have a huge impact on our lives.
If looking good on the outside is important surely so is feeling good on the inside, imagine the effects that breathing clean air can have on your lungs. This is especially important in our homes where we spend most of our time. There is amazing research done, it shows how cleaner air during sleep hours can influence your next day performance, here is a link.
There are many air purifiers available and it is vital to know which is the air purifier for us. Different purifiers have different features so we have put together the brands and their features to give you an idea, which are the top rated & best air purifiers on the market today.
Table of Contents
The 4 Best Air Purifiers
Performance is the thing that most homeowners who buy an air purifier look for. Performance measured on the main reason for purchase, be that to get rid of allergens or dust and mildew. To cleanse the air in order for you to breathe better or quite simply to get rid of household smells like pets and cooking.
Checking out the top air purifier reviews will allow you to narrow down your choices and select the brands and their models, which suit you best. According to buyers, the following are the top air purifiers on the market today, for all the above tasks.
1. Winix FresHome Model P150 True HEPA
As well as boasting a 3 stage air cleaning program, removing particles, allergens and smells from the air, this particular model comes with plasma wave technology.
This means that as well as capturing these airborne particles this unit actually destroys them at a molecular level. It’s particularly effective in smaller rooms such as bedrooms and offices and it has a 4 speed fan which covers quiet running for night time alongside a Turbo mode for best performance.
With this model you don’t have to rely on your lungs to tell you that you are breathing cleaner air, it comes with an Air Quality Sensor which has a visual indicator to tell you which mode you should be running.
Not only that, you can run it in auto mode to allow this unit to select the optimum mode itself. These features make this model one of the most efficient on the market.
2. OION LB-8001 5-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA
True HEPA filtration, UV-C technology, Electrostatic RF Ionizer Purification and Photo Catalytic Oxidation combine to make this an extremely effective model.
Sound complicated? Let me explain!
A True HEPA filter removes 99.97% of all airborne particles. The UV-C technology sterilizes the air, which passes through it, literally killing any airborne allergens as well as being effective against viruses and bacteria.
The Electrostatic RF Ionizer removes the electrical charge from airborne irritants, literally stripping them of their ability to be airborne, allowing them to fall to the floor. The Pho Catalytic Oxidation process also helps with the destruction of bacteria but also absorbs and reduces unpleasant odours.
The unique aspect that customers love with this model is that the HEPA filter is washable. Not only will you save money on expensive replacement filters but you will also be kinder to the environment.
This unit comes with a remote control, maintenance indicators and a 5 speed fan with quiet running.
3. Honeywell HPA160 HEPA Tower Allergen Remover
This unit captures airborne pollutants and is the number 1 brand recommended by allergy sufferers. This is one of the top performing air purifiers for medium to large rooms.
This model can circulate the air in a room up to 5 times in an hour removing allergens, odors, some bacteria and the majority of airborne particles. Purchasers of this model love the easy to use controls, which allow you to set the system to 4 separate cleaning levels, including a Turbo Power Cleaning level for when it’s really needed.
There is also an automatic shut off timer, allowing you to ensure the unit turns off when it’s job is complete and saving energy. If you are looking for a well known and trusted brand then Honeywell certainly fits those requirements and this is one of it’s top rated air purifier models.
4. Vornado AC350 Air Purifier with True HEPA
This Vornado air purifier is instantly recognizable by their stylish look, which would suit any room in your house. It is also one of the most powerful air purifiers on the market.
A three speed system which combines a True HEPA filter, removing every particle in the air larger than 0.3 microns, a carbon filter, to remove those nasty smells and a radial blower to ensure the recycling of all the air in rooms up to 22 sq. Ft in size. Some air purifiers are only effective for the air around the unit itself but not the Vornado, which guarantees effective air cleaning for the entire room.
Customers who bought this model loved the ultra quiet operation which allowed them to run it during the night despite it’s powerful airflow. This efficiency also includes an indicator light for the filter, meaning you never have to pay for replacements until you need to.
Different Types of Air Purifiers
Air purifiers may all have the same goal, to provide you with cleaner air, but they come in all shapes and sizes and have a large range of different features.

These include speed settings, timers and indicator lights. Each air purifier also has a certain size room in which they are effective and some are more suited to specific tasks than others. It is important to know the capabilities of each different type of purifier as well as the tasks at which it performs best in order to select the air purifier for your needs.
Best Air Purifiers for Allergies
These are air purifiers, which are most effective at removing air particles, which cause the most suffering to allergy sufferers. Things such as pet dander, mold spores, household dust and plant pollens. In order for these air purifiers to be effective at eradicating allergens from the air, they nebesed to have the best air filter system in place.
A True HEPA filter is guaranteed to capture 99.97% of all particles that pass through it over the size of 0.3 microns. These models will also feature a UV-C light, which kills allergens and germs that have passed through the filter system.
Allergies often strike at night so the an air purifier for allergies will also be a quiet running one, allowing you to use it at nighttime in order to get a good nights sleep. There’s no point in removing all the allergens from a room if the noise of the air purifier is going to keep you awake instead!
Best Air Purifiers for Dust Removal
What is the best air purifier for removing dust? If your main reason for buying an air purifier is the removal of dust from your home then it is important for you to consider the models, which are most equipped to do that. Many models are available which specialize in dust removal and the first thing to consider before purchasing is the size of the room for which they are effect for.
It’s no use buying a small desktop air purifier if you are trying to remove the dust in a room the size of a warehouse. Does it need to fit into a specific space, if so maybe it’s worth considering an air purifier that can be used horizontally or vertically, or maybe on a desk top.
Most air purifiers will do a good job at clearing dust from the room so a cheaper priced purifier might be a consideration, or one with low running costs.
Best Air Purifiers for Healthy Living
As previously mentioned, if you consider yourself a fit and healthy person then finding the best air cleaner might not be a priority for you. If you eat healthy food and work out regularly, you might be thinking that there is nothing more you can do.
However if you aren’t considering the quality of the air that you breathe you might not be as healthy as you believe you are. Even in the neatest and tidiest of homes there’s a can be build ups of dust and mould spores.
If you have a pet, unseen pet dander could be floating through the air along with other allergens which could be affecting just how healthy you really are. Selecting the right model for healthy living means finding out exactly what the best rated air purifier is for producing clean air in your home.
Air purifiers for Mold and Mildew
It might be obvious to you that there is an issue with mold and mildew in your house. If you have recently moved into a damp house then knowing what brand of air purifier is best for getting rid of airborne mold particles is very important. Finding air purifiers to rid the house of that damp smell is also important.
It might also be the case that an issue with mold particles in the house isn’t quite so obvious. If you suffer with an allergy to mold and mildew, it is imperative that you know which brands to buy. Air purifiers for mold and mildew will have a filter, which captures at least 99% of all airborne particles.
They should also have a carbon pre-filter to ensure those nasty damp smells are quashed. An added bonus in these models would be UV light technology to ensure that all allergens are then neutralised within the unit.
Features Any Air Purifier Must Have
Regardless of your reasons for buying an air purifier, they all perform the same basic function, to give you cleaner air to breathe in your home. They come in all shapes and sizes, with a multitude of functions. Have a look at the video below to see how to choose the air purifier to suit your needs?
There are lots of things to take into account when thinking about cleaner air in your home. Knowing the top 10 air purifiers according to people who’ve already bought them is obviously very important but what are the other features? Here we’ve listed the different features available on air purifiers to help you make an informed choice.
- Room size. You need to ensure that the air purifier you have bought is going to be effective for the size of the room you intend to use it in. You cannot use a desk top air purifier in a large living room for example (read more about room air purifiers).
- Controls. Do you need it to have a remote control? If not do you need it to have multiple speeds? This might be important if you’re looking for a quiet mode to use whilst you’re asleep. Is an automatic timer of importance or do you need the purifier to be fully automated, depending on the air quality?
- Maintenance. Most air purifiers require you to replace the filter. It’s worth knowing how often the filter needs replacing and how much it costs when you do. Some air purifiers have wipe free reusable filters making them cheaper to run, whilst others have indicator lights to ensure you get the most out of your filters.
- Appearance. Some air purifiers are sleek whilst others look like they wouldn’t be out of place on a building site. But maybe the latter is the more powerful and what you are looking for? Or maybe it needs to look at home in your new dining room? This may be an important consideration for you.
It can be an overwhelming undertaking, to choose technology with which you are not familiar. There are a wide range of brands to choose from, some recognizable but some not. Understanding which brands and models consumers rate most highly is an important consideration when selecting your air purifier.
It is also important to consider the reason you are buying the air purifier and the extra features each one comes with. Which are important to you and which are not? It’s also worth knowing how the top price purifiers compare with cheaper models. The right model for you is the one that closest meets your needs.